I bet you didn't see this coming

Saturday, November 14, 2009 Onderon
From Onderon's gallery

Every UC timeline series in gundam that I know of have some squid or octopus looking mobile armor and the Unicorn series is no different.

Zeon forces have stolen the basic design and transformational technology from the ReZG or the refined zeta gundam and the outcome?
From Onderon's gallery


Despite being a Zeon suit the Sinanju was particularly shaped with an absurd amount of thrusters and aerodynamic lines as well.
From Onderon's gallery

Sadly the Unicorn gundam does not have any special abilities besides fall apart at the slightest touch so it.
From Onderon's gallery


Looks better than Arios imo
From Onderon's gallery

Maybe the Sazabi can do it to? lawl

1 comments: I bet you didn't see this coming

KOALA said...
November 15, 2009 at 4:33 PM


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