How clean is your computer? Part 4

Friday, April 29, 2011 KOALA 9 comments
Two and a half years. And you think to yourself that you've seen it all.
Dust, cobwebs, a couple of dead cockroaches here and there, nothing too special.
But today, I think we deal with the most extreme cases. Even my boss has never encountered something this strange.

And today, we deal with a rather big rotting apple.
Yes, the unfortunate client brought in an 2005 iMac, with an infestation. I wouldn’t be surprised why they the Mac store wouldn’t accept it.
I guess I wouldn’t go into too much detail about this, (as the client is a police officer, so I have no idea whether they would be spying on this article or not), so as usual, pictures are worth a thousand words – or in this instance, a thousand ants.
The outside. The unit was brought in with every gap and crevice taped up. Upon releasing the tape, the ants started to crawl out all over the place.
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Now moving on to underneath the bonnet.
Now before you move onto the next few pictures, I must warn you. If you are currently eating, I recommend you finish eating before scrolling down.

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Inside the heat sinks.
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By this time, a lot of them had already started crawling out and into a containment box which we set up.
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And as we dug deeper to remove more parts, we found even more groups. This was under the hard drive.
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On the motherboard.
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Even the fans were filled with ants and their eggs.
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And as we were using the air compressor to flush them out, ants and eggs were flushed out everywhere.

So. After looking at this, please make sure that you all keep your computers clean. Make it a good habit of not to eat near your computer.

Now moving onto some backlog stuff.
For starters, need to thank Chun kei for this late, but awesome birthday present.
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A nice decoration item on my desk.

And in other news.
We are now moving up one level in our world of gunpla. A spray booth, with ventilator and light.
From Gunpla
From Gunpla
From Gunpla

If it wasn’t for the droplets of paint on the inside, it could also be used as light box for photos.
Here's my MC Hi V.
From Gunpla

Soft boiled eggs and training with bears

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 Onderon 3 comments
Whoever has eaten or half eaten a bowl of Gumshara ramen would have tried their delectable soft boiled eggs which are as soft and fluffy as clouds and literally melts in your mouth.

I would like to announce that I am 1 step closer to mastering this recipe and present you with my very first successful attempt.

From Random

The whites is nice and firm with a nice consistent ovoid shape. On closer inspection you may notice a slight tinge of yellow from the yoke at the tip of the egg.

From Random

The outside has denatured enough to allow for some prodding lawl.

From Random

The yoke is actually less runny than in the picture as I had to poke open the egg with a pair of chopsticks and mushed things around instead of slicing it with some fishing wire.

All in all I'm pleased with this attempt and with practice one can only get better =)

PG strike straight build

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Onderon 0 comments
From PG strike

Got this last Saturday and the straight build took maybe 8hrs to complete. Still got the rest of the weapons and the Aile pack to go. Half the parts have been sanded and prepped as of this post so I'm hoping to get some painting done over the Easter break. Look forward to it!


Thursday, April 14, 2011 CK 2 comments

Video embeds don't seem to show up on the main page =/

Have a go here:

Servers are deadly

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 KOALA 0 comments
So, for the past few days at work, i have dedicated a part of myself to building a server for a client.
The system itself is a modest entry level server, with a few nice components thrown in here and there.
One of which is this Adaptec raid controller card.
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The ASAR6805 is labed as a "value" series card by adaptec, with a price tag of $632.
Mind you, adaptec raid cards have a entry level price of around $56, while some of the high end ones will hit around 1.5k. So i guess $600 would be counted as relatively good value.
Upon opening the plain brown card board box (not really flashy for an expensive component), I was greeted with this small sheet of paper slipped into the packaging.
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Oh dear. Im actually considering actually taping this sticker to the main chassis of the server, so that when the client picks it up, he will be fully aware not to leave this giant box running in his bedroom at night, just incase the radiation slowly fries his balls off.

Anyways, thats enough for me today. Will probably do more posts on this server later in the week.
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