Friday, July 22, 2011 CK 5 comments
This is late but SMASH! last week was pretty enjoyable (and made Animania look so bad...), though it was only afterwards that I heard some of you Anons were there as well. I went with some forum friends, and we were there for the ripoff merch, cosplay comp and the trivia. Trivia just had to be at the same time as their MK64 tournament <.<

Ignore the name, that was me >.>. Our team ended up 2nd and were given a Madman voucher. The winning team (who were a bunch of fat white gaijin) were 1 point ahead and went home with $200+ worth of DVDs (the voucher was $50) <.<.

I thought cosplay was great - even though some outfits caused eyes to bleed (namely anything involving fat people). It was nice to see a variety of outfits from some not so generic/common/mainstream anime/games. Those who go to Animania will have seen the hoards of Narutos and Ichigos that keep appearing every freaking year. But it was serious business for the high level cosplayers here. The contest was interesting enough for us to stay around for the full 2.5 hours.

One thing to keep in mind for next year is NOT to buy an advance ticket. We showed up at 8am on the dot and were greeted by a monstrous line, and ended up standing around for an hour. Also to bring a camera for stalking purposes...

Also will need to post about snow trip v4. 7 skiiers/boarders, 0 sick people... this was probably the best one yet. I will write more tomorrow after some rest, but check out some of the photos on FB.


Suck it UWS

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 CK 1 comments

Suck on it hard...

Cold Hard Cash - literally.....

Saturday, July 9, 2011 KOALA 0 comments
Its surprising how much coins on can save up from day to day purchases.
I started developing this habit when I was abandoned by my parents when they went overseas. I had to do all the groceries, pay bills, and cover all general living expenses. From all those transactions, I ended up with quite a lot of coins

From Misc

At first, most of the coins ended up going to charity, as I had no idea what to do with so many coins. But then I discovered that Commonwealth Bank had machines which counted and sorted out coins for you. Its a pretty nice device, and loads of fun when pouring the coins down the coin feed.

This particular collection was saved up for around half a year.

I call it, the tower of wealth. And for those who are too lazy to count, theres exactly $30 in this tower
From Misc

There was another $20 available, but I couldn't continue stacking, as the tower became too heavy and unstable.
So here's everything pilled up.
From Misc

Trans AM ????

Sunday, July 3, 2011 KOALA 2 comments
Been bored for the past couple of days, and after watching Transformers 3, I was going through some files on my computer and stumbled across the installation for the Transformers 2 game.
I remember having problems with this installation with a previous operating system, but decided to give it a go anyway.
To my surprise, it actually worked this time.

Now if you readers are expecting a game review, then you may be disappointed (or not because you wont be missing out on anything). In short, this game sux. And the only reason why im even bothered to write something up about it is a odd feature i discovered in the game.

For the character Optimus Prime, his special ability is a cloak shield/power up mode.

From others

When this ability is activated, Optimus will turn blue.

In the last couple of missions, you get to use Optimus with Jet Fire parts.
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In this form, the powered up mode will turn red.
From others

But thats not all. When you engage in the Overdrive mode, you get a nice blue gn field surrounding you.
From others

Now turn on both abilities at the same time, and you get transam.....
From others
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