3DS Japanese Launch

Sunday, February 27, 2011 CK 3 comments
People who frequent gaming news-sites may already know, the Nintendo 3DS launched yesterday in Japan after a very secretive year of wait. Despite a terrible first party launch lineup (was there even anything besides Nintendog/cats?) the initial shipment of 400,000 units was sold out in just over 24 hours. In comparison, the original DS (which holds the existing console launch sales record) reached 450,000 after its first week.

Due to arrive here down under at the end of March, several retailers are now offering pre-order deals to let you save some $ off the $350rrp. I have ordered mine from DSE online, their $283 with free game bundle is no longer available, however anyone interested should check out Big W for the next best offer. But know there will not be any big IP releases for a while, with the big names like Zelda, Kid Icarus, Starfox... Mario Kart... still in a TBA or late-2011 status.

On the topic of Mario Kart...

Friday, February 18, 2011 CK 9 comments


Mario Kart

Monday, February 14, 2011 Onderon 3 comments
Not sure if you guys have seen this yet but it's pretty fucking epic and a great laugh

5TB and beyond

Friday, February 11, 2011 KOALA 0 comments
Well, since 4PAK is making a small come back
Heres what i've been up to lately.

Now for the computers which we sell in our store, most of them would have say a single 1 terabyte hard drive installed. For the average pc user, 1tb would be more than enough for their usage.

Me on the other hand, well, I go with the philosophy of "more is better". So how does 8 drives sound??

From Screen Captures
Making full use of all 8 sata connectors on my motherboard.
1 seagate 500gb xt drive, 1 seagate 500gb series 11 drive (yes, this was a bad batch, but it still works)
4x seagate 1tb, 1x Western Digital 750gb, 1x Western Digital 2tb. Total of 7.75 TB worth of storage. In which
I do have another WD 500gb lying around, so that bumps the total to over 8tb, but to utilise that drive, I will need to set up a hotswap unit which i'll be getting some time next week.

OSRAM - W/E that means

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Onderon 2 comments

OK I apologise for not doing much(anything) but our resurrection for the new year will hopefully lead to more activity.

And to start things off for 2011 I'm gonna introduce you guys to OSRAM. What is OSRAM? I have no fucking idea what it means but I can tell you what it is.

Effin awesome...for a stick.

From Onderon's gallery

So how the heck did I end up with something like this? Long story short I was at Bunnings and chanced upon this innocuous looking...stick in a tube with a bright orange button labeled test
From Onderon's gallery

I couldn't help myself and pressed it

From Onderon's gallery

It's like something from Close Encounters of the Third Kind but fortunately it wasn't a probing implement

Out of the tube we have a sleek and simplistic rod(cue penis jokes) sitting in a white cradle
From Onderon's gallery

From Onderon's gallery

Its got 4 fairly intense white LEDs which gives it the eyeball raping brightness from the previous pic and that was inside the tube!
From Onderon's gallery

Its got a simple rubber capped push button for on and off.
From Onderon's gallery

Here's where the fun starts. Disregarding probing potentials, the Stick can be removed from the cradle and in the middle is a small magnet and some of you might have guessed the tube is stainless steel.
From Onderon's gallery

From Onderon's gallery

From Onderon's gallery

The underside of the cradle also has a magnet which lets it stick to metal surfaces and and you can reposition the stick pretty much however you want
From Onderon's gallery

It also comes with some screws if you choose to permanently attach the cradle to plastic or wooden surfaces but I'm gonna leave it as it is.

Here's the LEDs turned on but facing upwards away from the camera
From Onderon's gallery

and some comparison photos of what lurks beneath my table
From Onderon's gallery

From Onderon's gallery

Fairly decent if you ask me

Quality wise its pretty good and the metal tubing gives it a nice weight
From Onderon's gallery

Unscrewing off the other end allows you to pull out metal tube off and access to the batteries. Its run on 3 AAA batteries but LEDs are fairly efficient so I won't be changing them for a long while
From Onderon's gallery

I is gonna probez joo
From Onderon's gallery
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