ramen challenge

Saturday, October 3, 2009 KOALA
No, we still have not tried the consecutive ramen challenge yet. However, today Im here to announce that we have managed to conquered the Menya MEGA tonkotsu raman.
Our thoughts about the ramen.
1st off. The egg ramen reminded us of the noodles used in Wanton noodles, which is also egg noodles.
2nd of all, the soup, while being rather tasty, is full of msg. And its watery.....
The pork slices, though cut rather thickly (thick as in over 1cm thick) was nice and fatty, which made it quite nice ^^.
Well, I suppose we raised our standards a bit too high with all those visits to Gumshara. None the less, to make up for the dodgy soup, the Mega ramen at Menya still gave a generous serve of noodles, and had some nice fatty pork which will fill you up. However Sum only got one slice of it in his Large size, while I got 4 slices in the Mega.

Food Power Level : 7500

Onderon will post some pics when he's free

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