Under Renovation

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 KOALA
Well, as most of you have noticed, the 4PAK blog has been given another facelift.
Because our blog is rather democratic, instead of the white background which i wanted to use, we’re now carrying out Operation Pink Rain...hence we’re stuck with pink.
These were the images which i had in mind, but i guess my opinion has been overruled with 35+ votes voting for pink...

From Site

From Site

After reviewing some of our blog’s statistics, i noticed that around 42% of our followers are viewing our blog at small resolutions, probably because they’re using a notebook. So after fiddling with the layout, i’ve tried my best to make it view friendly for people who have a resolution of 1280 or less. For the rest of you, well, you guys can enjoy viewing the pink background on the right hand side.
I’ve temporarily removed the banner, and will begin working on a new one soon.
Your opinions are always welcomed!

In response to ToFu’s post about his new Filco, i decided to throw up a few of my Dinovo Edge photos up here aswell XD
Personally, I think that the Dinovo Edge is one of the best keyboards out there in terms of looks, feel and features. Even Sum fell in love with it at first sight.
But for some reason ToFu absolutely hates it, even though he secretly owns a dinovo mini....

From Misc

From Misc

From Misc

Oh wells, Im gonna be sacrificing my Zaku White Ogre for some decal experimenting. Hopefully it would still look good. Might put some photos up of that when im done.


2 comments: Under Renovation

Anonymous said...
October 1, 2009 at 9:04 PM

But I wanted orange...

KOALA said...
October 1, 2009 at 10:09 PM

well, too bad mate. Democracy rules!
And OPERATION PINK RAIN will be carried out

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