Beach II

Monday, September 14, 2009 KOALA
Following on Sum's post
When you're out of meat, and have a limited amount of resources to keep yourself entertained, some great ideas can come into mind.
With a few slices of left over bread from BBQ, and a bottle of tomato sauce, works of art was being created.
I now dedicate this slice of bread to our blog!
From General
After that, the ideas just kept comming
From General
Unfortunately, we ended up running out of bread.
BUT the plastic plate came to the rescue!
From General
And what better way to display a work of art?
From General

Later on in the evening, we ended up back at Tim's place to unwrap Cameron's birthday present
After he unwrapped it, the first line was "OH, its a nice smiley face"
After we heard that, 10 tone weights just fell on our heads.
From General
Took him an extra 10 seconds to realise that i was supposed to be a steering wheel...
Not to mention that he broke the hanging chain a minute after unwrapping.

From General
Yes Cameron, the plaque is really awesome, but i would still not recommend you trying to drive with it cos clearly airbag not included....
From General

3 comments: Beach II

sl_55_f1 said...
September 14, 2009 at 1:04 AM

well done cam, very coordinated of you.
and nice logo guys!

for some reason i can imagine the car would crash even if Vu's steering wheel isn't real =P

T0fu said...
September 14, 2009 at 12:03 PM

its a smileyyy faceee

Cameron said...
September 14, 2009 at 9:43 PM

talib- I was looking at it from the back and it was very much like an alien smiley face :P still absolutely love the present though, will always remind me of you guys :P

oh and LOL that bread is awesome - so this is what you guys got up to while we were swimming..

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