silver pills x100

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 KOALA
As i've might mentioned before, Sum and I had ordered a crap load of batteries online. Well, they're here!
Cheap LR41 batteries have arrived!
From Gunpla

Macro on the Nikon E4600 sux
From Gunpla

As promised, i would be posting some more exia pics up
Front view
From Gunpla

Back view Normal ___________and Burst Mode
From Gunpla

Close up of the chest orb
In the photo, it looks like that the light lights up the whole orb
However, it looks like that due to the slow shutter speed used on the camera. In reality, only the words light up.
From Gunpla

Now heres some pics of exia posing with the lights on
From Gunpla

From Gunpla
From Gunpla
From Gunpla
From Gunpla

Now the GN Drive itself
With the room lights turned on, it doesnt seem very bright
From Gunpla

However, switch the lights off, and its a completely different story. In the dark, these LEDs are BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT!!!
From Gunpla
From Gunpla
From Gunpla
From Gunpla

Well, thats it
Gunpla Wednesday tomorrow, with 20% discount at hobbyco
Might be the chance to get the 1-100 avalanche parts and mount it onto the MG
Otherwise it'll be the overflag.
HobbyDream also has the XN raiser in stock. So might go for that aswell.
Bandai has just opened its PG 00 raiser website
For those who haven't yet checked out the gn drive gimmic, you definately must watch the following vid.

ps Might be redesigning the blog banner. Please contribute some ideas

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