Ignore the name, that was me >.>. Our team ended up 2nd and were given a Madman voucher. The winning team (who were a bunch of fat white gaijin) were 1 point ahead and went home with $200+ worth of DVDs (the voucher was $50) <.<.
I thought cosplay was great - even though some outfits caused eyes to bleed (namely anything involving fat people). It was nice to see a variety of outfits from some not so generic/common/mainstream anime/games. Those who go to Animania will have seen the hoards of Narutos and Ichigos that keep appearing every freaking year. But it was serious business for the high level cosplayers here. The contest was interesting enough for us to stay around for the full 2.5 hours.
One thing to keep in mind for next year is NOT to buy an advance ticket. We showed up at 8am on the dot and were greeted by a monstrous line, and ended up standing around for an hour. Also to bring a camera for stalking purposes...
Also will need to post about snow trip v4. 7 skiiers/boarders, 0 sick people... this was probably the best one yet. I will write more tomorrow after some rest, but check out some of the photos on FB.
5 comments: SMASH!ing
July 23, 2011 at 1:37 AM
We showed up after breakfast at around 11am and waltzed up to the ticket counter and lol'd at the nubs in the "advance" ticket line, grabbed our tickets and was in there molesting ppl within 5 mins.
July 26, 2011 at 2:31 PM
Your name is Mikey?
July 26, 2011 at 8:04 PM
Your name is Anonymous?
July 26, 2011 at 10:27 PM
Hey, lay off man. I'm not the dumbass who posted his name online for everyone to see.
July 27, 2011 at 12:37 AM
Did you also happen to see the part where I said "ignore the name, that was me" ?
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