Renovations Again.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 KOALA
Well, I guess its about time for another face lift.
So far, we've had our snow flake banner ever since Christmas, and thats long over.

There are a few things I want to try implementing.
First of all, is shrinking down our page size.
I know not everyone out there has hyper scrolling on their mice, and not all of you want to load over so many images, especially the ones from our plamo reviews.
Hence, when ever you post a post, only the summary will be shown, and for those who are interested, click the read more button to view all the contents.

This way, it should make the page load a little faster.

A search feature has been included so you can find things easier.

Blogger bar...WHERE HAS IT GONE???
Unfortunately it was removed while applying the new template. But i have added a sign in button for those who need to log on to make comments or publish posts.

I will be going to be working on making a new banner.
Open to suggestions.

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