3DS Japanese Launch

Sunday, February 27, 2011 CK
People who frequent gaming news-sites may already know, the Nintendo 3DS launched yesterday in Japan after a very secretive year of wait. Despite a terrible first party launch lineup (was there even anything besides Nintendog/cats?) the initial shipment of 400,000 units was sold out in just over 24 hours. In comparison, the original DS (which holds the existing console launch sales record) reached 450,000 after its first week.

Due to arrive here down under at the end of March, several retailers are now offering pre-order deals to let you save some $ off the $350rrp. I have ordered mine from DSE online, their $283 with free game bundle is no longer available, however anyone interested should check out Big W for the next best offer. But know there will not be any big IP releases for a while, with the big names like Zelda, Kid Icarus, Starfox... Mario Kart... still in a TBA or late-2011 status.

3 comments: 3DS Japanese Launch

Onderon said...
March 4, 2011 at 11:18 AM

We all know the truth of why Ck is selling his Rx-8

KOALA said...
March 4, 2011 at 9:30 PM

lol, for the price of his RX-8, CK must have bought around 100 out of that 450,000.

CK said...
March 5, 2011 at 12:19 AM

That's not a bad idea actually, since 3DS shipment was limited they'll likely be a drought for the next few weeks. They're going for $400+ on eBay right now and those people who didn't want to wait a month are actually buying...

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