PG ( . Y . ) Gundam part 1

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 Onderon
Once again I must say its been a while since I last posted *this is starting to become a bad habit XD* but I hope as usual I can make up for my lack of presence with something good - to me atleast.

A few already know that I have recently purchased the Perfect Grade 00 Gundam through unsavory means, no I did not bash a hobo for it but when the day comes that hobos carry gunpla I will.

And like usual I wont do much of an intro and just talk about what I have done thus this case not much. You might also remember that Cameron wanted to go to the Central Coast last Sunday but due to bad weather and general overall lack of commitment from anyone the outing was pushed back. So what did we do? WE GROUP BUILD OUR ARSE OFF WHILE LISTENING TO MISS A nottaeme jakkuman nae gasumi!!!!

ok w/e. Anyways so we (me Tofu and Chung) headed over to our home away from home AKA Tim's place with Chung bringing along his freshly purchased MG EX-S and Tim's 90 yro PG Strike we got down to business.

I wont talk much about the kit but rather just post some lazy pictures of the progress I make.

So first off we have the inner frame of the torso
From PG 00

Looks simplistic but took a few hrs of labour and too many parts.

...aaaaaaand its about the size of the MG ball
From PG 00

By the time I was done with the torso Tim wont shut up about all the linked movement and mechanical detail on his Strike's leg and Chung mangled his EX-S I skipped to constructing the legs and as you can see its pretty fucking big.
From PG 00

Again a size comparison this time with the sexy SIC Kabuto which I never blogged about
From PG 00

That's about all I did before hungry over took us and we headed off for some lunch (which sucked)

and please close your eyes as you imagine the most incredible wrap up to this post.

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