Ssber Tiger WIP part 3: waist

Friday, August 7, 2009 Onderon
I actually finished this last night but I was a bit too tired to put it up so here it is now.

Picking up from before the part we are going to look at is the midsection. Its are rather small part but nonetheless Kotobukiya has packed it with smaller pieces. The 2 long pipes and the 2 curved parts at the top are made from the soft PVC material so its quite flexible and despite what I've heard I have not had any dodgy fitting pipes which like to wriggle around. Lucky me =P
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It looks like something from a motor cycle doesn't it? The connection peg at the front and back is what connects that section to the front torso and the hindquarters. The back peg which is the one pointing down is on a swivel joint which allows for some degree of movement between the sections. There is a similar joint at the base of the front torso as well.
From Onderon's gallery

From Onderon's gallery

After that is the waist or the hindquarters and again its rather straightforward. A not of interest is that the hydraulics this time are stationary so its just 2 parts stuck together unlike the others in the kit. I guess one of the reasons for this is that it serves no real purpose for the model and its just some extra details as a bonus, the hydraulics get covered up by the red armor and later hidden by the legs anyways so its no big deal.
From Onderon's gallery

Because I forgot to talk about the front shoulder joints I've included the ones for the back XD. both front and back joints are really similar so you can probably guess at how it comes together from the parts picture 1 WIP ago.
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The red armor pieces gave me some trouble as they were reluctant to fit into place but it was more of a bad peg positioning where I couldn't tell where the hole was rather than bad QC.
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See that hole? its where the peg I mentioned earlier fits into and just underneath that are 2 square openings for the PVC tubes to fit into.
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And here's whats been done till now and its coming along heaps well.
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Counting the grid on the cutting mat might help you appreciate the size of the saber tiger.
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Slaps some wheels on it and its a kickass motorcycle lawl.
From Onderon's gallery

The underside of the zoid is abit plain atm but thats to be expected since theres suppose to be a chest cannon mounted there.
From Onderon's gallery

Expected the legs to go up sometime this sunday and thats it for now.

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