SD Exia Repair Part II

Friday, June 5, 2009 KOALA
Geh.....forced to go back to picas.
Luckily, this time i've backup up all the setting from my computer, so the online albums havent been affected.
As you may have noticed, all the thumbnails from old albums are now gone.
As i mentioned before, the pics are all in the new album and still available for viewing

Well, worked a bit more on the Exia
To increase some mobility, the arm had to be sliced appart and a polycap inserted to create an elbow joint
From Gunpla

From Gunpla

A GIANT improvement from 0 ^^

From Gunpla

Next up was the front and rear skirt armour
Pretty much just divided the front skirt in half, then removed one side
For the rear, had to saw off both beamsabers, and sand back a lil.

From Gunpla

The right leg was a bit more challenging. The photo was a bit too bright so cant tell where the expoxy and plastic meet. Anyways, basically just removed the ankle guard and knee cap, filled up the hole, then moulded a scratch knee. Hopefully it would look better after painting.

From Gunpla

The damaged gn sword. Im still not too happy about how it looks at the moment.
Any suggestions on how to improve???
From Gunpla

Now where what would Exia Repair be without the cloak??
Just got some old cloth, tore it up, then flamed it a bit.
To make the cloth a bit more posable, i inserted some bendy wires into it so it would hold some shape.
From Gunpla

Tofu complained about the terminator eye being too big.
Well, this is an SD after all, and sd's have big eyes, so naturally the R1's right eye replacement should be big aswell ^^

From Gunpla

From Gunpla
From Gunpla

Overall, reasonably happy with how this turned out.
Still have some things to work on, like removing left ankle guard, removingbeam sabres from shoulders, and alot of painting.

4 comments: SD Exia Repair Part II

dozy said...
June 6, 2009 at 1:11 AM

how did u get the cape to be like that?

KOALA said...
June 6, 2009 at 1:47 AM

obviously vu doesnt read my explainations....
theres 3 bendy wires which were inserted into the cloth to make it more rigid and easier to shape. The other effects on the cloth were done with a pair of scissors and flaming with a lighter

Onderon said...
June 7, 2009 at 5:24 PM

you know I was just looking at the broken blade and due to the chips along the side it makes it appear curved and fat. Try sanding it abit to give it a more defined edge but still keep the worned look cos atm it resembles a broken spoon than a blade.

dozy said...
June 12, 2009 at 1:33 AM

lol damn

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