1. I have completely given up on maths, and refuse to attend classes or tutorials for the rest of the semester
2. I have been staying in the medical library almost daily from about 12 - 7.30 for intense study sessions, that have so far, been highly productive, and combined with 1. have brought me almost up to speed.
3. I have been drinking 2 cans of V a day, one at 12, the other at 4, that have helped me stay awake and alert, allowing me to work at approximately 2.5x my normal pace (c.f. 3x during stuvac ^^)
4. I have been avoiding buying food at uni, saving me quite a bit of money (down from about $40 a week to just under $20).
I don't know why I'm telling anyone this, guess Tim said I should contribute to 4pakisdead, although, since my life is so boring and retarded, I have nothing worthwhile to contribute :(
4 comments: On marginal communities facing cultural annihilation
May 20, 2009 at 2:36 AM
is it too late to apply for academic withdrawal ?
May 20, 2009 at 9:48 AM
If it makes you feel any better, i should tell you that you are not alone
changes to my lifestyle has kinda screwed me up
May 20, 2009 at 2:01 PM
I'm still bludging. diff is theres nothing to do to begin with
May 22, 2009 at 10:40 PM
damn you are pretty motivated if you can do that and 2 cans of V a day :O:O:O
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