Anyways enough of that here's some pics taken by my old dodgy camera and any relevant rants:
This part was straightforward and simple enough until I came to the part where I have not failed to screw up in all 4 VFs
Notice the massive sanded area. For some magical reason i always overshoot and shave off too much there *shrugs*
All was going well until I experienced another of Onderon's must haves while building gunpla. The number of cuts I have on my fingers is directly related to the number of kits I have exponentially. I average 5-6 cuts per kit.
Recently Bandai is filling their runners up with big fat sprues which makes cleaning up a hell of a job. -1 Bandai.
moving on...
I hate this part the most. Its so hard to fit the peg into that hole I literally bit down on that with my teeth which I have kindly indicated for you with a pretty red circle.
Continuing with the saga of mishap WTF is a fracken hole doing in my bloody shoulder armor?!!! Like seriously wtfbbqf*ckjanemuch how did this pass QC?
Considering adding thrusters into the feet but have no idea who to accomodate that atm
After building 4 of these bastards I recommend anyone who might be interested and reading this to not copy my use of language and for the love of naked russian babes stick the arm and shoulder into that joint which connects to the pointy hinge thingo instead of following the manual and doing it at the end cos chances are your not as skilled as yours truely and end up 4PAKing the ABS plastic.
Here are the legs done and the final picture for now since i cbf building the rest tonight. Total time took to build the neck? and nose cone, arms and legs was about 3.5hr.
Coming up:
VF-25G WIP 2
and group shot after manage to finsih painting it.
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