Now, I would talk about how numb I was when I arose, and how a well-placed presentiment told me that my usual sense of well-being was to be superfluous against acrimonious apprehensions.
Instead, I will just say, XY > XX, and be off to sleep. Chemistry is awaiting me early in the morning. And she definitely isn't pretty.
2 comments: Misogyny
May 12, 2009 at 12:27 AM
big words dont make good writing S:
misogyny + chauvinism -> definitely isnt pretty ? need to place some thought into how to actually use those big words with the rest of the post.
usually people bloat around something with big words to set up the fall/trap/backing. misogyny/hate -> chemistry/bitch. However if this piece is meant to just show a faint dislike to chemistry then having XX>XY is a massive copout.
COME ON TALIB ! show us your skills !
May 12, 2009 at 12:00 PM
this wasn't mean to be a good piece of writing in first place. just an overblown attempt at stringing retardedly complicated sentences
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