In other news.
Gunpla builders beginning G ova was released a few days ago.
After watching the promo vids, I kinda already knew it was gonna be something relatively stupid.
Well, heres some quick caps.
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Now in regards to the story, its pretty simple. A kid sees the 1:1 scale Gundam in Japan, and decides to start building gunpla. As the last RX-78 model was snatched away from him, a 1-144 Beginning gundam smacks down on his head from the heavens.
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So the main character, along with his friends start to build their gunplas. Then his friend introduces him to a base behind his local hobby store, where there is a series of machines which can be used for simulation battles. We've already seen these kind of machines in Japanese arcades, where the player sits in a 360 panoramic monitor. However, what makes this game different is that the unit used is the players own gunpla, where he/she will insert into a haro scanner.
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The power of the units is also based on how well the Gunplas are build. Hence poorly built units will get parts broken off easily, like how the beginnings shoulder armour gets blown appart
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And in these battles, SIZE DOES MATTER.
Most of the units used in the fights are 1-144 scale. In the final battle, we have a 1-550 BigZam facing off with a 1-144 white Sazabi. And it got pooned.
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Sticking with Gundam traditions, we have a main antagonist of the story. A blond man wearing shades, called Schauer, and he rides a horse in the middle of the fucking city......
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Now just like how Char gives Amuro the psycoframe for the Nu Gundam, our antagonist here sends our hero a special runner full of upgrade parts for his special gundam, hand moulded from the gunpla factory.
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Now if only Bandai would do this to its loyal customers......
Well, thats my thoughts on the MS Beginning G OVA. It turned out as what I expected it to be.
On another note, Unicorn 03 continued to maintain its standard.
Will be doing a post of the 1-144 GN arms some time later this week.
1 comments: 4PAK is
REDGreenMarch 15, 2011 at 2:07 AM
ok....sum said that red made this blog look like a porno review site....
so green it is
as for those using opera and can only see grey, well, too bad....cos the codeing was way too long to create a gradient background....
background: #003B00; /* old browsers */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #003B00 0%, #000000 100%); /* firefox */
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#003B00), color-stop(100%,#000000)); /* webkit */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#003B00', endColorstr='#000000',GradientType=0 ); /* ie */
for few lines, the code covers most of the main, safari/chrome, firefox.
then theres opera......
/* Opera */
background: url();
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