Might mention that I bought something from AmiAmi (Tokyo) on the same day, and it arrived 3 days earlier on Saturday (Aussie post for you). It’s the Blackberry Bold 9000, was throwing it up between this and the updated 9700 (Torch FTL) but the halved price, virtually identical design and features convinced me to go for the older model. Also the fear of not being able to properly set up 3G rendering most features useless. Thankfully it worked straight away without further config (unlike the u900 which refused to let me on Planet 3).

So why a Blackberry? Because RIM are everything Apple isn’t (and vice versa). The iPhone has many rivals but none are as big a threat as RIM… and in the corporate world Blackberry remains king. People who call in at work with mobile issues will all have one (actually iPhones aren’t even supported) so I’ve had the opportunity to see what these things are capable of. But mostly because I admire their unique designs, immune to the iPhone trend (whereas Sony, HTC, Samsung, Nokia etc have at some point borrowed ideas from Apple). There are no large touch-screens or slim/sleek casings. Or 12 Megapixal cameras with HD video recording. Or apps that make fart sounds or pretend lightsabers. Instead you have fat, chunky bricks with small displays and heaps of buttons. Put it into your pocket and you get the illusion of a deformed third testicle before your pants drop completely. But that’s exactly what makes them so awesome.

Only about 3 times as thick as an iPod Touch! The phone won’t even fit into its own case…

Btw, anyone up for doing something next week? Due to Christmas break I will likely have some time off, what about you guys?
8 comments: It's almost over 9000!
December 15, 2010 at 3:49 PM
Im freee
Has you're parents left yet?
if they have, then I can bumb at your house more often
December 15, 2010 at 6:59 PM
Yeah they're gone until the 10th of Jan, I'm with my bro here so it's been quiet.
December 16, 2010 at 1:24 PM
lol deformed 3rd testicle. why wouldnt u want this exactly
December 16, 2010 at 5:48 PM
btw, what was it that you got off amiami??
My preordered liger zero from amiami still hasnt arrived yet. Sum's one from hobbysearch came in just a couple days after release.
December 16, 2010 at 11:19 PM
This thing from Touhou - I got into the other games after playing weather rhapsody. Hate how half their stock are preorders/sold out, and the high Aussie dollar seems to have no effect on their prices.
December 17, 2010 at 3:03 AM
I knew it! CK got a pillow case with a Touhou print
December 17, 2010 at 4:38 PM
Dakimakura? Nah actually I doubt those things will make it past customs here... though a forum friend bought one recently.
December 17, 2010 at 10:07 PM
I dont remember anything illegal or obscene about pillow cases.
The half undressed school girls shouldnt be a problem.
Just dont let them flip it over to see the naked half.
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