PG 00 Gundam part 2

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Onderon
Following up on what I did since my last post. Pics are self explanatory so I wont go in depth ( lawl like I ever)

First off some bits and pieces for locking mechanism.

From PG 00

I think these are the thickest springs and screws in any Bandai kit to date.

Here we have a exploded view of the locking mechanism for the elbow
From PG 00

One interesting note is that in the manual they fail to mention that part O9 is actually a tool to help with tightening the screws. I didn't know what it was and spent 30mins staring at the manual cos according to the manual there is 6x O9 but in reality you just use the single part 6 SEPARATE times.

Heres what the Elbow lock looks like assembled
From PG 00

From PG 00

From PG 00

As you can see there are many grooves along the inside and outer edges and which brings us to the next picture and another note of interest.

From PG 00

Notice the 2 tabs along the inside of this part. There are many of these at varying depths which are what locks the joints in place once you inserted the spring loaded mechanism ( which is more like an unlocking mechanism). If you're like Tim who likes to rush build his kits and ignore the directions and orientations of certain parts you will fail at this kit since a lot of parts must go in exactly as its shown and no you can't just trim a piece into the right shape Tim.

Next up is the head.
From PG 00

From PG 00

From PG 00

Like all PG's this one also has a light up feature inside the head but unlike the others the LED unit is slightly different

This should look familiar to alot of ppl
From PG 00

My stash of spare batteries once the ones supplied runs out
From PG 00

From PG 00

The LED slides into place via the massive hole at the back of the head
From PG 00

Did I mention big?
From PG 00

Oh yeah heres another example of what I mean earlier about correct orientation cos there's parts like this all over the place
From PG 00

Inner frame for the arm
From PG 00

+ extra layer kinda like the muscles over the bone
From PG 00

One of the disappointing things about this kit was the lack of pre-assembled hands and instead we get this runner to make ourselves
From PG 00

Bandai did help us out though and each finger segment is on the same row so all you need to do is cut out the middle part and insert like so
From PG 00

From PG 00

From PG 00

Since I forgot to take any more photos here's what the 00 looks like without its skin on
From PG 00

From PG 00

From PG 00

One last thing the eyes does not come prepainted so the black outline you see above was painted in by hand and for the illiterate on moonspeak the manual says that to leave out the stickers and markings for the head and eyes if you want to light it up since it will obstruct the brightness and theres not point in having them since the clear parts have all the text etched onto them already.

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