The latest group build of 4PAK.
No, its not gunpla, but a cooking project.
Welcome to Bacon Explosion.
Now for starters, the ingredients.
To fill the inside of the core. Normally you'd put veggies in the core, but to being cooked for 4 hours, we werent too confident about that.
So to stick on the safe side, we'd stick to onion only.
Next is the meat.
We went for a healthy combination of Pork, Lamb, and Beef mince.
Alot of smacking around in the mixing bowl.
Adding a little bit of artistic flavouring....
Then, a most important ingredient.
Twelve rashes in total.
And after every things been prepared and ready, first is to weave the bacon.
William and Sum were confident about the weaving....maybe a bit too confident....
But we did get it right in the end.
Then wrapping it all up
Cooking bacon explosion isnt too hard.
All we need a pile of hot coals.
And a couple of confident minds
Dropping it in.
And leave in for 4 hours.
Mean while, a backup plan was also needed.
With some left over meat, and a little bit of cheese
We got ourselves some Cheese paddies.
Now after 4hours in the BBQ
Visually, it looked like how bacon explosion is supposed to look like.
And when we cut it open, it looks like the results from our sources aswell.
Mince turned into steak....
Served inside a nice dinner roll.
So thats it
The simple explaination to Bacon Explosion.
Will you guys be willing to try it out yourselves??
No, its not gunpla, but a cooking project.
Welcome to Bacon Explosion.
Now for starters, the ingredients.
To fill the inside of the core. Normally you'd put veggies in the core, but to being cooked for 4 hours, we werent too confident about that.
So to stick on the safe side, we'd stick to onion only.
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We went for a healthy combination of Pork, Lamb, and Beef mince.
Alot of smacking around in the mixing bowl.
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And after every things been prepared and ready, first is to weave the bacon.
William and Sum were confident about the weaving....maybe a bit too confident....
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All we need a pile of hot coals.
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Dropping it in.
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Mean while, a backup plan was also needed.
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Now after 4hours in the BBQ
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And when we cut it open, it looks like the results from our sources aswell.
Mince turned into steak....
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Served inside a nice dinner roll.
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The simple explaination to Bacon Explosion.
Will you guys be willing to try it out yourselves??