I Play With Dolls

Thursday, December 30, 2010 CK 4 comments
And proud of it! Second plushie arrived today, and once again I'm amazed at how fast they've managed to deliver during the Xmas-NY period.

Been wanting to otaku up my room a bit, and these two should make some nice (yet worksafe) additions :). A friend who was at Akiba recently will be bringing me some more stuff, new pics when that happens.

Also found a really neat screen capturing app to replace Camstudio (which had very few options and produced low quality video). Check out HyperCam 2, it's freeware and has a tonne of features plus audio integration. I was playing around with the settings and made one to test:

Btw I'm posting this from the office - been bloody quiet today so just been playing games and leeching their bandwidth. Being paid to download anime is nice...


HMM Liger Zero complete

Monday, December 20, 2010 Onderon 1 comments
Ok I'm a bad person for not finishing off the WIP but sometimes I get so into building a kit I forget to take progress photos.

So here's a wall of pics
From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

Ok so its all the 1 pose...for now but I will definitely take some more later since it is pretty fun to play with and there are also a few major faults with the kit I found as well and I'll try to cover that in a later post.

So until then scroll back up to the top and look at the pics again

Toilet Cleaner

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 KOALA 3 comments
Now a product review for this week.

When you've living by yourself, one must take care of all the household chores, and one of them includes cleaning the toilet.

While looking though rows of cleaning products, I stumbled across this.

From General

I saw this on a tv commercial a couple of years ago, and always wondered to myself how good they would be.

Because of how our toilet bowl was designed, alot of conventional clip on cleaning blocks didnt really work, cos they wouldnt clip on properly.

Hence this thing seemed like a good idea, since it just sits right inside the bowl, without any clips needed.

Now lets have a look at the contents in the package.
From General
Two tubes of cleaning agent, and an outer sleeve.

The instructions were pretty straight forward too.
From General

The cleaning agent is like a thick sticky gel.
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Using the sleeve, you push out one "disk" of gel, and that pretty much sticks on to the side of the toilet bowl.
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Well, each disk should be able to last though a week of flushes.
I will report on the reliablity and how well it works after putting though some practical use.
Time to take a dump!


It's almost over 9000!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 CK 8 comments
Ever since drowning my phone at the beach from Vu/Ivan's birthday earlier this year I've had to use the old Samsung u900. Until today that is, when this thing I bought off eBay finally decided to arrive.

Might mention that I bought something from AmiAmi (Tokyo) on the same day, and it arrived 3 days earlier on Saturday (Aussie post for you). It’s the Blackberry Bold 9000, was throwing it up between this and the updated 9700 (Torch FTL) but the halved price, virtually identical design and features convinced me to go for the older model. Also the fear of not being able to properly set up 3G rendering most features useless. Thankfully it worked straight away without further config (unlike the u900 which refused to let me on Planet 3).

So why a Blackberry? Because RIM are everything Apple isn’t (and vice versa). The iPhone has many rivals but none are as big a threat as RIM… and in the corporate world Blackberry remains king. People who call in at work with mobile issues will all have one (actually iPhones aren’t even supported) so I’ve had the opportunity to see what these things are capable of. But mostly because I admire their unique designs, immune to the iPhone trend (whereas Sony, HTC, Samsung, Nokia etc have at some point borrowed ideas from Apple). There are no large touch-screens or slim/sleek casings. Or 12 Megapixal cameras with HD video recording. Or apps that make fart sounds or pretend lightsabers. Instead you have fat, chunky bricks with small displays and heaps of buttons. Put it into your pocket and you get the illusion of a deformed third testicle before your pants drop completely. But that’s exactly what makes them so awesome.

Only about 3 times as thick as an iPod Touch! The phone won’t even fit into its own case…

Btw, anyone up for doing something next week? Due to Christmas break I will likely have some time off, what about you guys?

Penis Monitor

Sunday, December 12, 2010 KOALA 2 comments
Computer monitors
They may all look the same on the outside, but the technology behind the pannels can differ. Generally most people would be using TN panels, which are cheap to manufacture. The downside to this type of panel is that they dont have very good view angles. IPS panels are generally alot better in terms of view angles, and dont suffer as much colour distortion, making them a more suitable choice for people working in the graphics, or printing industry. And because of that particular target market, IPS panels are generally more expensive, costing around 2-3 times the amount of a regular monitor.

AOC. A brand that has been usually associated with making cheap and unreliable monitors. And now, they've released a cheap IPS monitor aswell. IF23, aka the "penis monitor" is a IPS monitor which uses a LG panel, identical to the one used in the Dell U2311H, but with different controller boards.
Now the reason why i call this the penis monitor is because of the unique kick stand which supports the monitor at the back.
From Misc
I guess the pictures are self explanitory.
From Misc
It can even have an erection!
From Misc
Fortunately for me, I decided to buy a cheap vesa mount aswell, giving the monitor a bit of extra adjustments.
From Misc

Alot better without the dick on the back isnt it?

Innovative desserts

Thursday, December 9, 2010 KOALA 0 comments
Well, keeping you guys up to date with the latest things happening in our lives.
Recently, there has been a spike in Tim, Sum, and William's obsession with Korean culture.
1080p music videos, hours of endless youtubing, and ofcourse Korean foods.
From a recent visit to Eastwood, we had a little exploration in the Korean supermarkets, and in the frozen desserts section, we found this
I didnt get to take a picture of the wrapping, but this was the contents inside.
From General
No, thats not a shit in a condom.
Its chocolate icecream in a condom.
And if you're not convinced and think that its just a ballon
From General
Its not often that we get to see a guy put a condom in his mouth, but in this rare instance, we were able to capture that moment.

For those who are curious, its called "Chocolate Turtle Egg", and comes wrapped in a yellow package.
Try it out next time you visit a Korean supermarket.

HMM Liger Zero WISP part 1

Onderon 4 comments
I received my HMM Liger Zero on Wednesday and since I've been itching to build something for a while I got started on it right away (and wash away memories of an unfortunate accident involving plamo some of you may know about).

From gunpla

From gunpla

First off is the box which is stupidly big for a kit of its size. Its a zoid comparable to the Saber Tiger and Lightning Saix. It has slightly more runners than the Saix but pretty much the same as the Tiger so dunno wtf happened with Kotobukiya here.

And here comes the wall of pics with almost no text =)
From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

Can you see my other new baby?
From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

And heres my progress for today.
From gunpla

Like most (all) Kotobukiya kits certain levels of effort are needed to make it look half presentable but since I'm lazy I've just did the bare minimum and cleaned up the parts and added some details along the way
From gunpla

The Liger uses a new type of shoulder joints. The blue thingo is hinged at the top under the OFF-WHITE/CREAMY(yuck) armor and can only swing upwards and since I haven't assembled the legs yet I'm not sure if the joint in the leg will allow it to swing back and forth
From gunpla

The Liger has more color separation than I initially thought it had
From gunpla

Front torso expands foward from mid-section and the sliding mechanism for deploying stabilisers.
From gunpla

Brown tubing is actually hard plastic and comes molded in the same light blue as the shoulder joint.
From gunpla

From gunpla

From gunpla

(almost) graduating with style

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 CK 2 comments

Image has not been edited.

The Christmas Spirit

Saturday, December 4, 2010 KOALA 6 comments
Well, seeing that it is approaching that time of the year again, I thought we'd put up something to decorate our blog.
So yeah, with a bit of experimenting with action script, ended up comming up with this.


Monday, November 29, 2010 KOALA 0 comments
The latest group build of 4PAK.
No, its not gunpla, but a cooking project.
Welcome to Bacon Explosion.

Now for starters, the ingredients.

To fill the inside of the core. Normally you'd put veggies in the core, but to being cooked for 4 hours, we werent too confident about that.

So to stick on the safe side, we'd stick to onion only.

From General
Next is the meat.
We went for a healthy combination of Pork, Lamb, and Beef mince.
Alot of smacking around in the mixing bowl.

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Adding a little bit of artistic flavouring....
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Then, a most important ingredient.
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Twelve rashes in total.

And after every things been prepared and ready, first is to weave the bacon.
William and Sum were confident about the weaving....maybe a bit too confident....

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But we did get it right in the end.
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Then wrapping it all up
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Cooking bacon explosion isnt too hard.
All we need a pile of hot coals.
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And a couple of confident minds
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Dropping it in.
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And leave in for 4 hours.

Mean while, a backup plan was also needed.
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With some left over meat, and a little bit of cheese
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We got ourselves some Cheese paddies.

Now after 4hours in the BBQ

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Visually, it looked like how bacon explosion is supposed to look like.

And when we cut it open, it looks like the results from our sources aswell.
Mince turned into steak....
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Served inside a nice dinner roll.
From General
So thats it
The simple explaination to Bacon Explosion.
Will you guys be willing to try it out yourselves??
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