Saturday, November 7, 2009 KOALA
As most of you may know, today is Sum's (Onderon) 21st birthday.
So we all wish him the best ^^

Now here on 4PAK, we often like to humiliate each other by posting up quotes of each others failures. And our failure of the day goes to Suyan, who sent a happy birthday message to the wrong person.

From Misc
Better luck next time ^^

And on the note of failures, i'll post up a picture of Sum's birthday present. One of the best examples of true Aussie failures. (he already knows what it is)

From Misc
Btw Sum, you have to eat this with a box of Ferrero Rochers. Otherwise you wont be getting your other pressent.

4 comments: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUM!!!

T0fu said...
November 7, 2009 at 6:20 PM

with 6 eggs. dont run away this time

James said...
November 9, 2009 at 1:54 PM

I still don't get it

KOALA said...
November 9, 2009 at 8:42 PM

Suyan fails cos she sent a happy birthday message to the wrong person.
iSnack 2.0 is just a fail name for a food product. It was supposed to be removed off the shelves because the name was so fail.
and about 6 eggs....well, long story short. Last time we got Sum a bowl of tonkotsu with 5 eggs in it. He ended up only eating 3, while i ended up eating the other 2. So this time, he must eat 6 all by himself.

Anonymous said...
May 12, 2021 at 12:26 AM


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