World Domination

Thursday, September 3, 2009 Gaze
Perchance you have something named facebook, and upon that, you might have come across some of the games upon there, namely Bejeweled Blitz.

As opposed to common beliefs, the fb games that people play are not, in fact, games. What they actually are, are determinants of global economics, whereby should enough people play them and achieve so called "high scores", the financial crisis will be over and more.

Now the AI within the system, are the apex of human technology, in fact it transcends even that, it can only be called the next stage of machinery evolution exceeding that of HAL9000. It is capable of indiscriminately destroying all opposition if any humans do attempt to make use of the deceptively named "hint" button.

The shiny jewels themselves, depsite the apparent pretty looks, in fact constantly spell out subliminal insults towards the viewer regardless of the supposedly random formations. These insults are undetectable consciously, however, on the subconscious level, they impair with the human capability of identify colour, shape, and motion.

If that is not enough, the scoring system promotes competition by constantly reminding which of your so called "friends" are ranked above or below you in scores, even going as far as sending taunts to people when you beat them. This is clearly adding to one of the largest issues of modern society, brewing increased isolation and enmity between fellow human beings.

All in all, very soon, these seemingly harmless little programs floating around on the interwebz, will be the end of mankind as we know it.

2 comments: World Domination

T0fu said...
September 3, 2009 at 8:07 PM

lawl u are beaten by majdi

Cameron said...
September 6, 2009 at 10:42 PM

lol, made me want to play bejewelled.. and now I have rsi from playing it on a touchpad ):

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