Wednesday, September 9, 2009 KOALA
Welcome loyal followers of 4PAK
According to our site statistics, we're closing in to almost 3000 unique vistors since this blog started 5 months ago.
But no matter how good a blog gets, bloggers are only encouraged to continue doing their job if they get feedback from their readers.
However, appart from ourselves and a few close friends, most people just come to our blog and have a look at some pictures, then leave without giving any comments.
So today, im gonna teach all of you on how to leave a comment on our posts.
To start off, our blog is open to public view, and comments have been enabled for everyone. So one does not neccessarily have to have their own blog/gmail account to leave comments.
First of all, to enter a comment on a specific post, you must go to the page where the post lies on. This can be done, by clicking on the post name, for eg, this post is titled "COMMENTS APPRECIATED" and the hyperlink would automatically take you to that page, OR, you can click on the comments button on the bottom of each individual post. Once you've navigated to the post page, at the bottom is the comments section.
First, type up your comment in the comment box, then select the profile. Profile could be a gmail account, live journal, wordpress, etc.
For those who do not have accounts, simply select "name/url" option and enter your name there. You could also select anonymous if you wish to remain unidentified.
After that, simply publish your comment, and thats it.
So after being taught how to post a comment, you no longer have any more excuses for not giving us any feedback.

On the issue of feedback, the 3 of us sat down today, and discussed about giving our blog a new facelift. ie, a new banner, a different layout, and making things more colourful.
Because it is ultimately you guys who read our posts, what matters most is that you guys like the looks. So please give us some ideas about things which we can do to improve our blog


Cameron said...
September 12, 2009 at 10:18 PM

Here's a suggestion- maybe you could put the 'Posted by' line after the post's heading, rather than at the end of the post- would save us scrolling to the bottom of each post, then back to beginning each time.

KOALA said...
September 13, 2009 at 11:19 PM

OH, so do normally scroll to the bottom of the post, and see who posted before you bother reading the content???
Thats pretty stupid imo.
Cos some people who generally tend to make less interesting posts like me would just get ignored

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