Rant in Progress

Saturday, June 13, 2009 Onderon
I was watching a few youtube videos and I came across something that annoys me to no end. Pretentious downies who overdramatise or exaggerate movement when playing instruments especially guitar (headbanging) and piano (looking like schizophrenics).

I really hate it when you have total idiot comments which spout of bullshit such as "you need to put more emotion into playing that so move around some more and dont look like a wooden board"

Excuse me? Do I need your permission to enjoy a piece of music that I play my way? Anyone can play any piece of music perfectly without "putting everything"into it. Not jumping up and down on the seat or waving my hands like I'm out to gouge someones eyes out does not mean I suck. Most of the people who even say shit like that are usually ignorant fools who pretend to enjoy classical music like they own it. And headbanging is just retarded imo if not for its extremely high comedic value such as these guys.

Some of you might not agree with me but this is just my opinion on one of the most pathetic attempts at performance ever. Keep it nice and simple your playing a song don't pretend like its giving you an orgasm.

3 comments: Rant in Progress

T0fu said...
June 13, 2009 at 10:05 PM


KOALA said...
June 14, 2009 at 12:15 AM

wouldnt it be funny if their heads dropped off from all that spinning and shaking

dozy said...
June 14, 2009 at 12:41 AM

that's mesmirising xD

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