Mg unicorn wip

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 T0fu 2 comments
after a shitty week of college i've sunk back into modelling mode.

heres a peek of things to come !

i am happy with the kit, i think it is a cleverly designed MG for builders and trophy modellers that oozes in detail and style, it reallly isnt suited for people who play with their kits or like dynamic poses.

anyways thats all ill prolly do on it for this week! but heres a look at what has arrived !

<: you can expect updates soon ! ~


KOALA 0 comments
Yes, finally!
I've got my first Gundam today!!!
The SD RX-78-2 30th Anniversary model
After spending a few hours in hobby co with Tofu, i decided to resist from buying the Avalanche Exia, and to get it shipped from japan instead. After that, we went to capital square and i chose to get the sd ^^
Anyways, heres a few pics for starters.

From Gunpla

Box Art

From Gunpla

From Gunpla

From Gunpla

Scans of the manual

From Gunpla

Also managed to pick up a pair of these at hobbyco for 12bux
Has a pair of dragons moulded onto the handles

From Gunpla

From Gunpla

Head consists of 6 pieces and a polycap
From Gunpla

Upper torso
Again, 6 pieces but with 3 polycaps

More to come SOON


Ok so picking up where i left off

From Gunpla

Bottom half of the torso.
Im quite glad that bandai was nice enough to mould the yellow onto separate pieces instead of needing to paint on
From Gunpla

After having to deal with the SD Exia's horrible arms, im quite glad to go back to these older designs with a elbow joint
From Gunpla

The feet. Very standard for SDs like this. Would require alot of paint as usual.
From Gunpla

Weapons...a very standard set. Beam rifle, beam saber, and shield. Single colour mould for the shield. Its a SD afterall, so cant complain too much though it would have been better if they moulded in white instead of grey. Its nice how the scope comes in a separate piece, and can swivel when assembled.

From Gunpla

And the final thing put together.
From Gunpla

From Gunpla

For such a standard SD, theres nothing particularly special about posing abilities. None the less, it still is a RX78, and that itself is good enough ^^

From Gunpla

And as usual, with most of bandai's sd, the majority of the polycaps are unused, and would be added to the pile of spares.

Well, now i guess i'll need to start on painting when i have more time.
Other works soon to come up would be the SD 00 raiser, along with the 1:144 HG, which would be cannibalised by the sd for its superior accessories.

worst game ever made

Sunday, July 26, 2009 dozy 0 comments

zombie power ! ~

Sunday, July 19, 2009 T0fu 0 comments
Yo ! ~ long time no see peoples! i bet our dear lovers followers thought 4pakisdead is dead, but fear not our beloved following! for you cannot kill that which is already dead! Moving on, the reason for our recent lack of activity is because we,the blog team, have been overwhelmed with external commitmets ! (with things that dont start with G [chix starts with c you smug motherfuckers])

Since break has begun t0fu has unburied his social life and ressurrected a strain of pontiac fever, cnc has gotten an illegal job and onderon was deported banned from japan. All of this has meant we havent has as much time to work on our beloved hobbies and onderons's japan report has been delayed. That doesnt mean we havent been busy planning though! cnc and onderon have secured 2 MG EXIA Ignition modes and the kotobukiya sabretiger and chungs SD 00 are in the mail. i also have a huge backlog of the 1/72 armored ozma and the MG unicorn. I'll prolly start the unicorn it when my course begins, timewasting is awesome. Anyways onto the future.


Golden Moment of 09 snowtrip!

Sunday, July 5, 2009 KOALA 2 comments

Watch and its pretty much self explanatory


MG exia box art

Saturday, July 4, 2009 Onderon 0 comments
One of the most awaited kits of 2009 and the box art just makes me even more hungry.

standard kit
From Onderon's gallery

ignition mode
From Onderon's gallery
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